Our Story


Hello there! My name is Ash and I’m a Star Wars nut!

I first watched Return of the Jedi on Christmas day in 1987 when it premiered on British TV, so I must have been about 5 years old. I was sold. I mean completely sold. I watched it religiously from then on along with the others and have basically never stopped.

Like the rest of the planet I was sitting around during lockdown bored out of my mind. I stumbled on a youtube video of someone making a star wars helmet using 3D printing. I had some savings and decided to buy myself a printer and give it a go myself. To say it’s been a journey of ups and downs is an understatement. I feel like I’ve learnt a new language! I continue to make mistakes, finesse and learn as I go along.

And… I love it! I love it so much that I decided to start Jedha Workshop. So now I can make the same process of geeky Star Wars helmet building available for everyone.

I create my own original 3D files and I build my own helmets from these whilst filming everything for tutorial videos and share the process.

I’m adding to the collection all the time. Get in touch if there’s anything you would like to see.

Thanks for stopping by and may the force be with you!

Follow me on Instagram: @jedhaworkshop